Castledon School

The Trust’s core aim is to ensure that we enhance the life chances of all the young people within the Trust to enable them to fulfil their potential and achieve the best possible outcomes.

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RE & Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development




At Castledon School we recognise the importance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which is pivotal for the personal development of students. 

In Key Stages 1 - 3 students access SMSC through PSHE lessons, Religious Education lessons and topics lessons.  

In Key Stages 4 and 5 students have one PSHE lesson each week to cover religious education, democracy, rule of law and diversity - giving our young people an insight into what it means to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain. Additionally, in Key Stage 4, students access creative topics lessons which include learning about history. 

Exploring religion can support pupils' emotional and spiritual development. When living in a multicultural society such as the UK, learning about religions helps to encourage respect and understanding in school and in wider society.

To complement this timetabled provision, SMSC runs throughout the curriculum with staff providing opportunities to explore diversity through art, music and recognition of significant religious festivals. 

We place a particular emphasis on providing a variety of SMSC learning opportunities for our students to broaden their experiences and support personal development. We embrace community learning as we feel it gives our students an enriched education beyond the classroom. This includes visits to various places of worship, museums, historical sites and our older students have visited The Houses of Parliament. 

In England and Wales parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship in schools.

As parents you are not obliged to give a reason for requesting the withdrawal.

However before exercising any right of withdrawal we would recommend you discuss your concerns with a senior member of staff.

Requests for withdrawals must be made in writing and approval can only be given by the Headteacher.


                                      Jess Mills 

            PSHE Lead 5